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Viral brands this week

The power of social engagement for brands

Stanley Cup bought a new car for a woman that showed a video of her burnt car and when she rattled the slightly burnt cup, you could hear the ice. That's a quality cup!

Carnation Milk gave $5,000 to a 97 year old lady that went viral for reciting a very funny poem from when she was a child: "Carnation Milk, the best in the land. Comes in a tin, with a red and white band. No tits to pull, no hay to pitch, just punch two holes in the sonofabitch"

A young woman filmed herself going up a mountain in New Zealand during a rainstorm, she was soaking wet and letting North Face know that her new rain jacket was not waterproof. North Face promptly brought a new jacket to the lady via helicopter. It was a skit, but still impressive.

Check back soon for more viral brands!

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